Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Fourme de montbrison

fourme de montbrison -

Fourme de Montbrison is a blue cheese from France that has a resemblance to Fourme d'Ambert cheese made with pasteurized cow's milk.

The aroma of this cheese is very smooth and impressed like a peanut. This cheese has a rough skin and orange reddish color. This cheese is made throughout the year in the Montbrison area of ​​the Auvergne except in the spring.

The milk used to make Fourme de Montbrison cheese is the milk of Montbéliardes cattle grazed in the Haut-Forez area. The milk is collected from 33 different villages and then heated to 32 ° C.

The Fourme de Montbrison cheese was matured in a cave for at least 28 days and then moved to a shelf made of pine trees. During the maturation, the room temperature is maintained between 8-10 ° C.

After 8 days in the cave, the cheeses are pierced with a long needle for air to enter. There are two cheese companies that produce this cheese, Fromagerie Forez-Fourme and Fromagerie du Pont de la Pierre.