Saturday, June 23, 2018

psychoanalysis -

Psychoanalysis is a branch of science developed by Sigmund Freud and his followers, as a study of human psychological function and behavior. Sigmund Freud himself was born in Moravia on 6 May 1856 and died in London on 23 September 1939.

At first the term psychoanalysis was used only in relation to Freud alone, so Freud's "psychoanalysis" and "psychoanalysis" were synonymous. If some followers of Freud later deviate from his teachings and go their separate ways, they also abandon the term psychoanalysis and choose a new name to show their teachings.

 The famous examples are Carl Gustav Jung and Alfred Adler, who coined the names "analytical psychology" (English: analitycal psychology) and "individual psychology" (individualized psychology) for their respective teachings.

Psychoanalysis has three applications:

  • a method of research of the mind.
  • a systematic science of human behavior.
  • a method of treatment of psychological or emotional illness.

In the broad scope of psychoanalysis there are at least 20 theoretical orientations underlying theories of understanding human mental activity and human development. The various approaches in treatment called "psychoanalytic" vary as different theories vary.

Freudian psychoanalysis, both theory and therapy based on Freud's ideas have become the basis for modern therapies and become one of the greatest streams in psychology. In addition, the term psychoanalysis also refers to research methods on child development.