Thursday, June 21, 2018

Color blindness
color blindness -

Color blindness is a disorder caused by the inability of the eye's cone cells to capture a particular color spectrum caused by a genetic factor.

Color blindness is a genetic disorder inherited from parents to their children, this disorder is often also called sex linked, because this disorder is carried by the X chromosome. This means that Y chromosome does not carry the color blind factor. This is what distinguishes between colorblind sufferers in men and women.

A woman has the term 'carrier of nature', this shows that there is one X chromosome that carries the color blindness. Women with carrier trait, physically do not experience color blindness as normal women in general, but women with carriers of the nature of potential to reduce the color blind factor to his son someday. If on both X chromosomes contains a color blind factor then a woman is suffering from color blindness.

The nerve cells of the retina are composed of stem cells that are sensitive to black and white, and cone cells that are sensitive to other colors. Color blindness occurs when the light receptor nerve in the retina changes, especially the cone cells.