Monday, June 25, 2018

brotowali -

Bratawali, brotowali, or root aliali (Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers ex Hoff.f .; also T. cordifolia (Thunb.) Miers and T. rumphii Boerl.) Are traditional Indonesian medicinal plants commonly grown in the yard or grow wild in the forest. Rice stew that is very bitter used as rheumatic drugs, reduce blood sugar, reduce heat, and help reduce symptoms of diabetes.

In Indonesia, besides known as bratawali, this plant is also known by the name of area andawali, antawali, putrawali or leaf of gadgets. The classification of this plant belongs to the Menispermaceae plant family.

This plant is rich in chemicals, including alkaloids (berberries and kolumbina contained in roots and stems, soft resin, starch, pycroretosid glycosides, bitter substance pikroretin, hars, berberine, palmatin, kolumbin (roots), cocool (picrotoxin).